Playground is getting greener: Mercer and the town of Arneburg are planting a copper beech


Arneburg, 10 October 2024 – A climbing frame, a sandpit and now a magnificent copper beech: the play and recreation oasis below the castle grounds in Arneburg has been enriched by a further attraction. Yesterday, representatives of Mercer and the town of Arneburg jointly took up the spade and planted the tree, a gift from the pulp mill to the town.

As well as being an eye-catcher, the new copper beech will provide welcome shade on hot summer days. We are pleased to have been able to make a small contribution to the beautification of the playground with this tree planting,“ said Martin Stöhr, Managing Director of Mercer Holz, as he trampled the soil around the young tree.

But the campaign has a deeper meaning: ‚The forest and some of the city’s trees are not doing well. That is why we have to plant young trees ourselves, wherever possible and sensible, in order to preserve the tree population for the future. This is very much in line with the sustainability that has been practiced in Germany for centuries,“ says Stöhr, before going on to talk about one of the company’s own sustainability projects. Mercer also provides extensive support to forest owners in reforesting their forests, including the donation of seedlings as part of Mercer’s ‚Growing the Forests – Growing the Future‘ initiative. With today’s event in Arneburg, we want to support the community near our site in preserving the urban tree population and at the same time raise awareness of the critical state of the forest.

Martin Stöhr (left), Managing Director, and Juan Carlos Bueno, Mercer Board Member, water the newly planted tree. The team led by Hagen Süß from the Arneburg infrastructure company will ensure that the tree and the entire green area thrive in the future. 


Martin Stöhr was joined by Mercer CEO and President Juan Carlos Bueno and Senior Vice President Bill Adams, as well as Mayor Lothar Riedinger and Hagen Süß from Arneburg’s municipal infrastructure department. The hanging red beech complements the play equipment, fruit trees and berry bushes that already make the square below the castle grounds a popular family oasis.

About us

Mercer Holz GmbH is the largest wood purchasing organization in Germany. With its 195 employees, it supplies all German Mercer locations with around seven million cubic meters of wood annually.

In addition to supplying the pulp mills and the sawmill, Mercer Holz also offers procurement, forestry and logistics services for third-party customers. The company operates its own harvester/forwarder teams and an extensive fleet of trucks. Mercer Holz sources its timber exclusively from sustainably managed forests. Further information can be found on the website

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